August 20, 2012

027: Quick Update

This past week I've been busty translating a book for my mom. I'm halfway through I believe but it really gets to you especially of you're not really the best translator in the world. Not only do I suck at translating, I actually am not a very good speaker of my own mother tongue! Well, I guess her giving me money was why I said yes [ha. ha. ha.]

If you haven't read the previous blog entry, let me bring you up to date. I got an infection which died down already, I searched for shoes and recently bought a pair, I went to 4 museums/galleries, I went to IKEA with Peach on the first day that I landed in The Netherlands and we bought lights to hook up in his bedroom and now we're here. In mid-August.

I'm thinking that Peach owes me movies and some popcorn because of the amount of work that had to be done especially after procrastinating with assignments! So, not one movie but two! A picnic as well. And maybe a miniature cow.

No pictures today!

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