June 27, 2012

0023: Short Stories

So, apparently, tomorrow means approximately a week into the future!

June 21

I went to school carrying two guitars because I was selling them off. I ended up selling one that morning and while waiting for potential buyers in the school's cafeteria, I decided to edit the first chapter of my book/novel to see what I could do better.

No one came to buy the second guitar so I went off to start invigilating the degree show exhibition. I completely forgot that I was suposed to print something out for a friend of mine that was needed for the next day.

So, after invigilating, I walked all the way home, up the hill, carrying my bags. As soon as I stepped into my room I remembered. I was torn between printing out for my friend or leaving it and E-mailing her to say that I forgot.

I ended up going down the hill in the rain. I went to scholl to print the form out but turned out that the computer rooms were locked. I called two friends who couldn't pick up and when I called the third, I was absolutely drenched. My friend had a printer, I printed, thanked and walked home again in the rain.

June 22

In the morning, I woke up early. I've been waking up early for a couple of weeks now that it became like clockwork to just stay awake. I waited for some people in the morning who were going to come over to pick up my friend's boxes for the cargo and her form which I printed out yesterday. There was only one man who came to pick up the boxes and form. The man arrived at noon.

A couple of hours later, I went to school to take down the exhibition which had lasted for a week. I helped to take things apart and clear some space. I also picked up my results. I received a Second Class (Lower Division).

I went home a couple of hours later.

June 23

I went out to town to grab lunch but ended up buying drinks for a barbecue that was going to happen in the afternoon. I also had a quick stop at Starbucks and had a panini as well as a caramel frap. They were both delicious!

I grabbed a taxi to go to my friend's house who was holding the barbecue and found out a little too late that her house wasn't really that far from the school. It could have easily taken me less than half an hour to walk to her house but now that I know… The next time she ever invites me again, I'll know where to go. I had a good lunch, a few good drinks, mingled and watched an undersea documentary as well as the first few minutes of The Artist.

I went home, filled the bathtub with hot water and submerged into the depth of heated happiness while watching a movie on the laptop.

June 24

I spent today reading a book as well as having lunch with Maja, a Polish exchange student who I've been friends with since the second semester of the academic year. After the lunch, we went to a park and talked about random stuff. The wind was so cold and Maja had to leave.

I stayed behind to read more of the book. The day was still light then but the wind forced me to pack up and leave.

June 25

I spent the whole fucking day cleaning the house. All three fucking floors after disassemblling furniture.

June 26

People from the British Heart Foundation came in the morning to pick up some furniture I donated to them. They took most away but left the rest in my house because they weren't in acceptable condition even though you could still use them. They will not accept painted chips etc. only becuase it would be difficult for them to sell them. It ended up adding more to my stress.

The weather didn't help either so I went to sleep in the afternoon. I woke up in the evening, ate lunch and dinner, received a phonecall from a friend in which I asked for a favor and she agreed. I went to sleep again.

June 27

This is today!

I woke up from a very bad nightmare and decided that the way I could get rid of it was to run up and down the stairs, which I did. I also did squat jumps. My friend came over to help move my stuff to my other friends' house. We made a second trip to put stuff in the dump or recycling center and then drop more at my friends' house. I went home to shower and rushed to the train station.

I watched the movie Prometheus with a friend of mine and ate at Old Town Restaurant where I call the boss of the place Uncle. We caught a train after half an hour sitting in the restaurant with a full tummy and I got to rant to my friend. I feel sorry for her to hear what I have to say but she was surprised at the person I was talking about herself.

We arrived in Winchester and as we walked through the tunnel, a homeless person asked for cigarettes or change. We said we didn't have any and walked away but then, I had bought take away from Uncle's place and the food was still warm. I was a bit of a distance away from the her and shouted out, "Would you like some food instead?". She said she's not one to push away an offer so I gave her my lunch for tomorrow. I'll find something to eat.

And now, I'm home, typing away.



  1. so you got a 2:2? That's what I got!

    I just left my furniture there when I had to leave.

    - gopie

    1. Can't leave mine. They charge you for leaving stuff here.

    2. Sucks to be you. Just put up an ad to say you're giving it away for free.

      - gopie

  2. http://theplaceyoushallnotbe.tumblr.com/post/26174373951/250-men-and-women-were-asked-to-draw-what-these




