And here we are in Holland, The Netherlands! I've been visiting museums and galleries as well as a lot of shops to try and buy clothes and shoes before I leave the country in September! It's a little silly, I know, to be buying stuffso early on but it's difficult to buy the correct one, you see? I have feet that would shame Shaq's descendants and unwanted curves that would make the beautiful Ursula want to make me a potion without any consequences because she'd be in pain just being in my body shape's presence! It's so difficult, when I return home, to get good and well-fitted clothes as well as undergarments! So I'm dishing out my money on bras and matching underwear! I'm also going to go and search for shoes my size because most of the shoes sold back home are for people with hooves more than feet.

The museums I went to were amazing by the way. The first one I went to was the Rijksmuseum, which held Rembrandt's work as well as his students (and some others) as well as some naval war paintings and objects etc. Right after that, Peach and I spent our time eating and just looking around Amsterdam. Oh, talking about eating, there's a supermarket chain called Albert Heijn and they sell these awesome cheese and herbs croissants! Deliciously herby!

We also went to the Eye Film Museum which is also a cinema. The architectural structure of this building, both externally and internally, is amazing! So beautiful that I believe I want to have a house that is inspired by it! The shades for the ceiling lights are also so beautiful. At the moment, they're showing an exhibition on Stanley Kubrick so if you have the chance, please do try to go! There's also an exhibition going on in the building next to it where the Tidelijkmuseum has taken over for the moment. Apparently, the building they're in used to be owned by the oil company Shell and they've moved out or abandoned it. So the taking over was such an interesting thing to do. Using an unused building for a temporary museum? I know it's not strange or uncommon but there should really be more of that!
We visited W139 Gallery as well. They had a few people's stuff in there which are mostly installations and video work. It was a pity that we didn't get to see the performance art, it would have been interesting.
It was an exciting week for me. Everyday, I was going somewhere either by car, train, bus, tram or ferry! On the first day I was here, I even got to go to IKEA to help Peach with choosing some containers for the home studio and search for some lights and wires to hook up in one of the rooms!
But a streak of fun and excitement always leads to the a downward slope to sadness and pain. I actually got an infection sometime during the evening in the weekend and it was so sudden that it surprised me, Peach and even Peach's mom! I had to be driven to the closest clinic that was open at night because it became worse a couple of hours or so later, so bad that I was in so much pain and I was bleeding real bad. The doctor consulted me, prescribed me some antibiotics and sent us home. Three days later, I'm feeling incredibly better. The infection, I feel, is almost gone and the bleeding had stopped completely on the second day.
// Well… peace, yo.