May 29, 2011

0004: Mascots and Disappointment

In my previous post, I excitedly talked about going to the MCM Expo this month but lo and behold, the bills came by at such an unsuspecting time and one the blew my bank account off the face of the Earth. A little dramatic but I truly felt shattered. I've wanted to go since last year when I couldn't go for the one in October. I will and I must go for the one in October this year or I will feel truly disappointed at myself (and sad as well). Maybe I'll be able to cosplay for the next event? I doubt it though.

Another reason why I wasn't able to go was because I was trying to come up with a mascot for my sister and brother-in-law's gym. They had something specific in mind and I had a challenging time drawing it. I don't draw muscle men(1) very well but I'm quite proud of what I've done. After giving them a bust of the mascot, they asked for a full body. However, they gave me about half a day to do it, which really was the most difficult part of the mascot since I had to connect the bust to the lower part of the body. I  believe I spent too much trying to design the shoes, though.

I have done this before, also for my sister's gym. Now, I'm not talking about the same sister. I'm speaking of my sister, second elder. She didn't want a mascot, she asked for a logo(2). It was a lot easier to make a logo than to create a mascot. She had something more specific in mind and that also lifted some burden off when I was making it.

Oh, yeah. Today, I finally cleaned my room. After chucking things into the bin and putting things to their rightful places I've room on my floor again!


/* Numbered Notes */
(1) Have you seen the images that Google comes up with when you type in muscle men with the filter off? Don't do it if you're not interested in seeing men's junks or using those junks in sexual ways.
(2) You must know the difference between designing a logo and mascot. They're not the same.

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