November 13, 2011

0012: The August - September 2011 Summary

The Now

November was a weird and lazy month. Did my work for university and had a few ups and downs. I think my best highlight was my haircut and the double piercings I got, all in the same day! It was something I'd been thinking about doing for a while now. I've done double piercings on my left ear but after a talk with a parent, I had to take them off. I did them again, though this time on my right. I just really like piercings… on my ears. And this short hair is the shortest I've ever gone! I'm quite happy with how it came out!


Probably not the best image but what the hey~

August - September 2011


The air train used to go from one terminal to another at
Kuala Lumpur International Airport

I spent a few days in the beginning of August in Malaysia with the parents.  When I say a few days, I mean a few short days. Approximately four. I was going to stay longer but my mother had already bought me a ticket to go to Brunei on the 5th. I didn't do much during my stay in Malaysia. Went out a couple of times and then I got sick because the people I sat next to during my flight there were coughing and sniffling in my direction.

The view of the house from the third floor

I landed on Brunei soil in the morning, picked up by my very pregnant sister and as soon as my other sister found out I was back she put me straight to work that day. Most of my days in Brunei was spent working in my sister's boutique. By the time August ended, I had yet to meet up with my friends who were hoping to see me that month. My days working at the shop was both great and annoying. Some of the times there were moments when we had more than five customers coming into the shop and I was the only one working.

Chanel, left, is the shop's cat and Bubu, right, is a gay male


Brought work home


A photo niece took when we were at the palace


The niece playing with her dad

Came mid-September I decided to stop working at my sister's shop and spend some actual holiday time.


Watched Fright Night with little sister and 2nd eldest in the mall in Kiulap


A cousin's wedding

A cake at Secret Recipe
A couple of days after I stopped working, my little sister and I decided to go to The Philippines. We spent about five days in Makati City. During our time there we met up with our brother-in-law's friend who happened to use to work in Brunei. He's there working as an estate agent but he hopes to return to Brunei one day. I can understand. Brunei is an easy place to live in. It's so small and although crime is slowly rising it isn't as bad as most countries.

The Ayala Museum


Brother-in-law's friend


Around Makati City

Waiting at the airport for the longest of time
We returned to Brunei at around one in the morning. Later that night, I met up with my friends who have already left England after finishing their studies there. We had a bit of a laugh, drank and ate. It rained heavily that night and since we were sitting outside the main area of the restaurant, we were flooded up and cut off from the place. We felt like we were sitting on an island with a single roof above our heads.

Left, Aziz. Right, Mardhi.
With Ry
Last person to arrive, Faris
A few days later, I returned to Malaysia. This time, it was for a lesser time than previously as my flight back to England was at the end of September. I met with my uncle and aunt who happened to be visiting my parents that time as well as my cousin who I haven't met for the longest of time.


Going out with uncle and aunt, at a mall that sells expensive things


Cousin on the right and her friend (or HER cousin?) at a fast food restaurant

During my stay in Malaysia, my parents left the house in my care for two days. Nothing to do so I spent most of my time drawing and watching a whole day of reruns on the television. I left at the end of September with my mom sending me off as my dad was working that day.


Bored, felt girly, girly time


The view I see when using the treadmill in the mornings

Well, that' it for this post! Will have the month of October and maybe November, too, some time!


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