March 21, 2012

0018: Screaming Cats

I love listening to the Rooster Teeth Podcast. They make me happy. I feel so stalker-ish.

So little sis asked what camera I used during a workshop I recently signed up to. I believe it was a Pentax K1000. I've borrowed another camera for this Easter and that one is a Centon K100. The film I use is from Ilford, a HP5 with ISO400.

I've posted scanned photos up on but here's a test print. A crappily done one just for you guys.

Spring is also coming near. Well, it should be Spring already but British weather is a little like a kid with toys. They want to play then they don't, then they do and then they don't and the cycle repeats. So it's cold, warm, cold, warm, rainy, warm, cold.

Thursday, I will be at Katzenjammer's concert in London!


1 comment:

  1. so it's borrowed cameras. nice photo. looks all official course-like with that gradient.

    i liek ur nailz...

