March 30, 2012

0019: Spring Time Is Here

It's Spring! And that means sun and rain in the next coming weeks. Summer is just around the corner and I believe a few people will start complaining soon about the heat. Talking about heat, school is over in a few months. I should probably do some work!

So, I've been going to this place in Winnall Moor. Been doing so every (or so) time the weather's good in Spring and Summer. Love the little cold stream. A nice 10˚C throughout the season. Keep drinks cold there, too!

I forgot to talk about the Katzenjammer concert that I went to with my friend. It was a great concert! They're playing again in London, I believe, this May!

They had an opening act by Karima Francis! She's got really strong vocals!

It was one of the best concerts I've ever went to!

Also, before the concert, we went to galleries and museums and we caught sight of Simon Cowell! Except that I only got my camera out at the last minute and only managed to get half a picture of the back of his head… Apparently, to my friend, that is amazing and she wants to print it out for her collection. Psycho much? She's a lovely person.

// Happiness keeps my belly nice and warm!


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